Monday, April 30, 2012

Earth Day

We celebrated Earth Day on April 21st with Experience Green and Hilton Head Monthly at Shelter Cove Community Park. We are very passionate about being green and take steps at making a difference, we call it “greenifying.”

Carolina and the zumba girls enjoying some Pino Gelato
We participate in a program with our local power supplier that allows us to buy power from renewable energy sources like wind turbines and solar panels. They estimate the environmental benefits of choosing renewable energy sources each year are the same as not driving a car for three months!

In our store, we use biodegradable cups, to-go containers, napkins and trash can liners. We clean with environmentally friendly products, and have replaced our floor mats, and our ceiling and floor tiles with ones made from recycled materials. We always recycle plastic, there are so many plastic bottles and bags that the average American uses each year, and recycling these items is so much better for the environment. We even spotted the Bag Monster at the Earth Day event!

Don't Feed the Bag Monster!

We can go green in all parts of our daily routines, because it isn’t just recycling. We can also use environmentally friendly products, or be aware of our energy consumption. Our employees at Pino Gelato take pride in our green efforts, and apply our “greenification” to our personal lives as well.

The energy saved from recycling a single aluminum can is enough to power your TV for three hours! Recycling paper is important too. For every ton of paper that is recycled, 20 trees and an amazing 7,000 gallons of water are saved.

Lets talk about the computer you are reading this blog on, if you left it on for the entire time you owned it, it wouldn’t use as much energy as it took to make it. In fact, you wouldn’t even use 1/4 of the energy required to make it.

Did you know that “quadrillion” was a word? Me neither. Well it turns out the United States consumes over 99 quadrillion BTUs of energy per years…that’s 15 zeros. One BTU is equal to the energy from lighting a single match. It feels good to take steps at reducing our energy consumption and using renewable sources whenever we can.

Nick Wheeler is a thirteen-year-old local resident who cares very much about our environment, and we got a chance to chat over some gelato at the event. Nick started a non-profit organization called “Kids Helping Kids Help the Environment", which has cleanup events at local beaches and parks. You can check out their Facebook page.
We all can make a difference

We are always looking for new ways to “greenify.” What do you do at home to help our environment? Do you reuse something that most people would throw away, or use green products that you want to tell people about? Let us know as we strive to be greener and greener.