Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Happiness and Literacy

"We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once," Friedrich Nietzsche.  The celebrated German philosopher has provided words to live by in multiple renowned quotes, the above can be applied true of literacy as well.  In recognition for September as International Literacy Month the author’s quote has a true sentiment when altered to profess the joy of reading, “… on which we have not read or been read to at least once”, I believe Nietzsche would agree. 
The future of reading and literacy should be bound to celebration promoting literacy through favorite authors, books, and community events to aid in improvement.  A fantastic program to become a volunteer tutor for students and adults with low literacy skills, this month serves as an excellent reminder to share reading with family, friends, and the community.  The National Book Festival is held on the National Mall in Washington DC by the Library of Congress, with a previous theme “Celebrating the joys of reading aloud” that resonates with our passion for literacy.  Either idea can be recreated in even the smallest of towns, promote literacy and revel in the imagination stirring in the young mind of a child, or in the advancement in workplace of the low-literate adult having progress.
As a company that gives back interaction with our local, national, and world communities’ start with being literate.  Gelato is here to come and enjoy in an authentic Italian experience, a place to convene in happiness as a family.   In this month of International Literacy, let us try to make the same experience of reading, aloud in happiness to children, to educate ourselves further, or to teach others, share the focus of spreading literacy in a compassionate way.
In September appropriately marks festivals in Italy celebrating the birthday of Juliet from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.  Re-read that for starters! What is your favorite classic book or play? 

For more information the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization supplies facts and actions regarding global literacy. UNESCO is at the forefront of global literacy efforts and is dedicated to keeping literacy high on national, regional and international agendas.

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