The little things mean much more than realized. American Essayist and Poet Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) summed up a fantastic way to live, a message still applicable on this very day, “To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.”
On National Make A Difference Day Saturday, October 26, 2013 millions of volunteers will unite to improve the lives of others in their communities on the largest national day of community service. Thousands of projects in all different scales from small groups of individuals to entire states take on problems they see in the community and accomplish a solution. USA Weekend Magazine and Points of Light have teamed up for more than 20 years to sponsor Make A Difference Day along with other organizations that recognize the power of inspired people serving their communities. The Make A Difference Day website allows anybody to register their project to raise awareness and accrue volunteers, there is also a search engine for projects within the total mile radius of the entered zip code to find places to volunteer on Saturday. Projects include fixing up city gardens, packaging at food banks, and cleaning/repairing community centers. Regardless of the project size registration on the Make A Difference Day DAYtaBank submits the project for consideration to receive a $10,000 donation from Newman’s Own.
It is not too late to create a project and many are still in need of volunteers. Begin a new tradition with family, friends, or coworkers and dedicate time to serve the community, one day of volunteering can spark a habit of it. Children learn from the actions of adults, family friendly projects will engage the awareness of children and involve them to aid in successfully improving their community while shaping their path toward future volunteering. The children may ask to do more, luckily the upcoming holiday season provides numerous opportunities, but engaging in service all year long and striving to Make A Difference each and every day is the true goal and inspiration of the mission.
The little things count, start by smiling and making eye contact with people. Trends have occurred recently including an anonymous person buying coffee for everyone that comes in that day, or grand restaurant tippers, and the more infamous random act of kindness when a homeless man turned in a lost bag filled with over $50,000 cash only to have inspired the do-well in another gentleman that set up a website to donate funds to the homeless man; he is now worth over $100,000. Go ahead, create a trend and raise awareness to make someone's life a little happier in any capacity it is worth it. The cycle should never end, people will always remember the way another made them feel. Make A Difference Day certainly calls to us nationwide to join our neighbors helping others and our communities, it could be contagious.
What project will you participate in for Make A Difference Day this Saturday, October 26, 2013?
Come share a Scoop of Happiness with us and other volunteers at Pino Gelato after your project!