Friday, January 20, 2012

Change YOUR world, one scoop at a time!

Hello Gelatorians!

First of all, have you celebrated your new year's resolution success with a little gelato or espresso at Pino Gelato yet? You could even have some as a little pick-me-up to get you going again. :)
Remember at the beginning of January when we shared the Corners of 4 with you and explained that we are looking to help you with your resolutions… and we weren’t joking!

Here we are making a statement!

As the world is changing, both in our communities and on a larger scale, we recognize that people around the globe are making a difference by being aware of their actions and how they affect the environment. At Pino Gelato, we know we can either harm ecosystems or make a choice to positively support the environment. We are consciously making the decision everyday to be friends of the environment, and we invite YOU to change with us! 

When you support Pino Gelato, you can rest assured that your delicious gelato is part of the “going green” process. We are:

Switching to biodegradable cups

Utilizing biodegradable trash can liners

Switching to biodegradable napkins and paper towels

Switching to-go pints and quarts containers to biodegradable ones
Here are some more easy but significant changes we have made that you can also do!

Replacing the fluorescent bulbs with LED (Low Emitting Diode) lights

Recycling all plastic packaging

Recycling all corrugated cardboard boxes

Participating in Palmetto Electric's Green Power initiative to purchase electricity generated by renewable resources
                - For those outside of HHI, call or message your electric company and encourage them to purchase “green power”

We invite you to implement a few of these ideas in your home, and we’ll check on you in a couple of weeks to see how you are doing.

Consider this:

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” - Gandhi


  1. Way to go....Pino Gelato!

  2. ...So glad to hear it. We LOVE you guys! :)

  3. Very great steps you guys are taking!

  4. very impressive! It is so good to see companies, especially small businesses, make this very important effort!

  5. Wishes for a successful 2012!

  6. What a great company with great products!!!

  7. Great place, great gelato, and great people.

  8. great company, great owners, best of luck for many years to come

  9. Great job to everyone! Every little bit helps preserve our environment for future generations to enjoy. Keep up the good work.

  10. Bravo, and thanks for plugging green electricity programs. I've been a participant for the past few years in my local electric utility's green power option. The extra charge from Indianapolis Power & Light is so small, I'm on the 100% green power plan. And as more people participate, the cost is likely to decrease even further.

    1. That's great Clay! Hopefully, we can both help inspire more people to purchase 100% green power!

  11. Thank you so much everyone for your support! It's wonderful to hear so many voices from people who are determined to make a difference in their community!

    We look forward to checking in with you in February to hear about things that you have implemented in your own home. Also, we love to hear your comments and suggestions on what we might be able to change in order to support the earth.
