Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Gelato on a Diet

New Year, new you… same sweet tooth. Temptations to cheat on resolutions are peaking by this point, but there is a guilt free way to indulge.   Gelato is a health-conscious treat.  No really, it is.

For starters, because gelato is made with milk instead of cream it carries a high amount of protein and is an excellent extra source of calcium.  Gelato is made from all natural ingredients directly increasing the amount of vitamins and nutrients per serving over any typical dessert. The fact is gelato has less calories and fat than traditional ice cream.

According to www.whygelato.com, gelato is recommended as a desirable food for athletes on a strict regiment when seeking a non-diet breaking means of catering to their cravings.  Credit is awarded to the protein content for this instance.  No need to sneak around or have the weight of the world (no pun intended) on your shoulders, go ahead and eat the luxurious frozen dessert.  Gelato will satiate the void for a sweet treat in the best, most natural product with a heightened level of taste for complete worthiness.  

Resolutions come and go, the weight may come and go, but a moment to experience true flavor and joy, must always stick around.  Gelato is glad to provide an outlet, albeit a healthy one, during the time when people elect to have a scoop of happiness.  
Make 2014 the year of happiness, indulge a bit with us… it doesn't even count!

What is your 2014 resolution? How do you add happiness to your day?  

Monday, January 6, 2014

Three Kings Day.

The 12 Days of Christmas come to an end Monday, January 6, 2014 as Feast of the Epiphany is celebrated by Christians. The feast is also known as Three Kings Day, and marks the revelation of the birth of Jesus.  The new season of Epiphany begins today, just shy of the new year.

The Magi- The Three Wise Men Gaspar, Melchior, and Balthasar- saw the promised child as a gift, due to their sharing of prophecy they were instructed by King Herod to find the Messiah born to Bethlehem.  A long distance was ventured by The Magi in order to bow and worship to Jesus and present him with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. The Gospel of Matthew 2:1-12 details the story of the Three Wise Men.

Pope Francis delivered a prayer service for Feast of the Epiphany Mass and greeted pilgrims in St. Peter’s Square.  
AP / Gregorio Borgia

The Vatican reported comments from Pope Francis after mass, "I would like to tell all those who feel far from God and the church -- and I say this respectfully to those who are afraid or indifferent: The Lord calls you and wants you to be part of his people and does so with great respect and love!" Francis said.

Today is a Holy Day for Catholics around the world.  Traditional blessing of the home, kings cake, and reenactment plays by children are common celebrations of honor of Three Kings Day.